Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Local Heroes at Hartlepool Town Hall Theatre

Review for Silver Arts Award

I went to see a live show at Hartlepool Town Hall theatre called Local Heroes. The Reason I went to see Local Heroes is because it was hosted and developed by young people.
The play was about the Bombardment of Hartlepool. The bombardment of Hartlepool was a tragic moment in Hartlepool’s history. On the 16th of December 1914, the German Navy bombed the town on a misty morning as children were getting up for school and adults getting up for work.
The play was split into two acts. On set in a local cafe in Hartlepool just before the bombs hit, the second was set in the trenches to show how the soldiers felt and what the war was like.
I quite enjoyed the play “Local Heroes” because it made me think about how the soldiers may have felt during war. I felt like I understood how they felt thanks to the characters and the storylines. I also liked the costumes; they seemed so realistic and interesting.
The whole play was scripted and acted by young people which was very impressive given how serious a subject war is.
I would recommend the play to anyone because it was good and for anyone in school who is studying history as it’s a good way to learn about the war.

By Lizzie